“If you can’t see the decision-maker, go see a movie!” This mantra was driven into my head as a young Account Executive at Electronic Data Systems (EDS). We employed “consultative selling” approaches well before it became the standard. Our customer target was clear – the decision-maker – simple to identify and challenging to reach. But, almost without exception, it was a single person within a single organization. Singular.
Enter Plural: the Voices of the Customers
Today’s sales cycles involve multiple voices within an organization. Rarely is there one decision-maker. It’s more likely a committee of people with various roles following a loosely defined process. At its worst, some committee members are unsure of the reason they’re even on the committee!

Then let’s compound the problem – what about multiple voices within two customer targets? One party has a distinct need that requires the other party’s solution. But neither party hears the other’s voice. The Voices of the Customers are out of synch.
MNOs and Enterprises – Two Customers, Multiple Voices
Our Expeto NeXtworking platform customer consists of Enterprise IoT experts and Mobile Network Operators (MNOs). The Enterprise group needs private mobile networks to manage their ever-changing operations technology (OT) assets. The MNO group brings vast 5G mobile networks designed for the consumer market, not the Enterprise.
The Enterprise customer told us that MNO solutions are far too complex and difficult, and they worry about security, control and data paths. They want control. The MNO customer believes leveraging its 5G network is the best solution and that Enterprises must and will accept the rules and expense of these telco networks.
A Team with Multiple Voices
We built the Expeto team from experts in both arenas – in effect, our people were these Customers. We made sure to have the real-life knowledge and experience that could represent their Voices. We sought out and engaged additional subject matter experts from both spaces. Together we created Expeto NeXtworking – a solution that eliminates the plurals to satisfy the singular Voice of the Customer.
Expeto NeXtworking: a Win for Both Customers
Expeto provides a solid, enterprise-oriented platform for the MNOs that can be easily integrated into their mobile networks, and is carrier-grade and safe. This platform allows them to provide enterprises with private networks that can leverage the public mobile network but keep the security, control and data paths the enterprise needs. This solution enables the best use of public and private radio access networks (RAN) designed to satisfy the speed and latency needs of enterprise IoT devices. The MNO can easily create a managed service solution powered by our platform that can complement their other offers. It gives MNOs a solution that changes their conversation with enterprises from network-centric technology to business-problem solutions and outcomes.
In the VOC world, Expeto understands who the “C” is. We also have loudly and clearly heard the “V”. Our task now is to show our potential MNO partners how clear the voice of the enterprise is and how close the MNOs are to providing a game-changing solution. Will the MNOs hear the fact that their new “C” has different needs than their consumer customers? Will the MNO embrace a platform that is not provided by their big and established network partners? Can Expeto share our understanding of the “V” and the “C”?
In a word – “Yes”. That’s the cool part of being on the Expeto team. We have a disruptive solution that can be easily consumed for the willing. We help innovative MNOs clearly hear the voice of their enterprise customer even though it might be a tough message to digest. My mantra now is very different than in the EDS days – “Listen, understand and teach. Bring value to your customer during their decision process”. Let’s hear the many voices and work towards that single decision!
To read more in Dan Leary’s Voice of the Customer series, click below!